DOM Lab/Assignment

These assignments build on the exercises that you did as part of tutorial that was assigned for today (Marini, J. (2014). XML Essentials on Section 5).

Use this sample html file (with embedded XML) as your starting point.

Perform the following tasks by manipulating the DOM with Javascript:

  1. Similar to the DOMExample1 exercise from Marini (, implement a button that displays an altert with the XML data formated as an academic citation (MLA format). E.g.,

    Swinburne, Algernon Charles. “Dedicatory Epistle.” The Poems of Algernon Charles Swinburne. 6 vols. London: Chatto & Windus, 1904. 1: v-xxix.

  2. Similar to the DOMExample3 exercise from Marini, use Javascript to manipulate the DOM to create a new HTML div element (and any necessary children/descendants) to display the XML data formated as an academic citation (MLA format).

  3. Uncomment the two additional biblStruct elements in your html file, and adjust your code from step 2, if necessary, so that you can display multiple citations.